By Oluwagbenga Kolawole

Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, My name is Unago Cornelius Shege. I know it might come as a surprise to some of you that I’m running for a political position. But, trust me, it’s a surprise to me as well. The idea just came to me yesterday evening when I was discussing with my brothers-in-structure, my comrades. We were celebrating the victory of another one of our friends who also just became a Student Leader when it occurred to me that I have a lot to give to this association. And when I saw the crop of students contesting, I realized that I am even more qualified than they  are. The association has more to gain from my wealth of experience, hence, the reason for my candidacy.

First and foremost, you should know that I’m a Zikite. You see, in Zik hall, we have fully imbibed what it means to be leaders, we have refined the art of structure building and political mobilization. Unlike the bottling company that our neighbors are, we understand what it takes and what to do to win, and that is why I’m here – to win. But I digress.

The main purpose of my coming here today is to solicit for your support in my aspiration for the post of Student Leader of our beloved student association. You see, right from my childhood up to this moment, I’ve always been a man of the people. As in, how can you not like me? From my freshman days up to this moment, I’ve been part of different committees:  financial committee, publicity committee, welfare committee, dinner committee, disciplinary committee among many others. My activeness sets me apart.

Now, to my plans; I literally intend to bring the stars to you. In line with my constitutional duties, I intend to steer and direct our association to a brighter future. You see, this vision requires precision and that’s why I’ve come to the decision that it will be my mission. In the words of famous street philosopher, Laius Wasabius, I have the information that can make our organization fly. What information is it, you ask? You only have to vote for me and find out.

Under my administration, lecturers will be called out to explain why students are failing their courses. Exam scripts will be released to whoever needs them. In fact, students won't write exams again. I know it sounds impossible, but I’m a visionary and I intend to bring back the glory days of Aluta that our forebears fought earnestly for. I intend to resist oppression in every way. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. How, you ask me. And I say to you once again, vote for me and find out. A lot of student concerns that are being ignored will be looked into. I’m not like some people doing this to build their resume. In fact, if you check my resume, there is nothing there—nothing apart from evidence of my selfless service to our association. I’m not even doing this to get room in Zik next session. I have a room in Agbowo. 

What I intend to do is to consolidate and build on what my predecessor has done. He was a real inspiration and motivation while he was in office. I feel having another plan will derail from the glorious mandate he has set before us. What are my predecessor’s tangible accomplishments, you ask. Hehe. You see leadership goes beyond things you can ordinarily see. The thing is, I was there with him throughout his administration. He literally had sleepless nights over our student association. It was through his constant laboring that various organizations have come to partner with our association to sponsor our dinner, hang out among many other things.

Now back to my manifesto, I intend to be as open as possible in my administration of this association. As for the press, I understand that there are those among us who don’t value the honest effort successive student politicians like me put in for the growth of our association. But that’s okay. I understand some people are more concerned  about clout chasing; nothing will ever satisfy them. I understand that they did it to my predecessor and they do it in many other places. However, in my own tenure, it won’t be tolerated. Any pressman caught writing against my administration will be shot. Hehe. I’m just kidding.

Finally, as a student like you, I understand your pains and suffering . I’ve been there and I know it doesn’t look good. I know what needs to be done. But for this, I really need your support.

Your brother,

Unago C. Shege


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