I'd Rather Pick A Zikite As My Val Over Any Other Male Hall Resident -- Ms. Damilola Adewale, ZHPO Village Beauty

Damilola Adewale (Dammy) is ZHPO's Village Beauty for this week. Ms. Dammy is a student of Computer Science department. She's into programming. In her interview with ZHPO, she shared about her interest in hacking and also spoke on her perception of Nnamdi Azikwe Hall , its vibrant residents (Zikites) and aroism.


Generally, many believe that Zik is distinct from other Halls. What do you think makes Zik different?

Ms. DamilolaIn my own perception, Zik Hall is very lively. Most times I’ve come to Zik Cafeteria and pass through the Hall, and I have not for once experienced an iota of dullness.

Have you experienced aro before in Zik Hall and if yes, how do you see it?

Ms. Damilola: Yes...some times it feels fun-filled, sometimes, mere shouts

Ms. Damilola Adewale

So, how do you see Zikites?

Ms. Damilola: Hmmmm, to me, Zikites are kind of good but I do hear a lot about them like ‘those people are rough, they only know how to shout and so on’. However, I do see and hear optimistic things too about them especially when it comes to sport and politics.

If you were to pick a Val, would you pick a Zikite or other Halls like Indy?

Ms. Damilola: Well, I’ll would rather pick a Zikite, they’re courageous, some handsome, anyway I think a Zikites would be cool for me. Though before I had this kind of animosity against Zik Hall due to our (Queens Hall) recent clash at Jaw war but then that’s just by the way.

So, what are your hobbies?

Ms. Damilola: My hobby is music, I like music and reading too, though I’m into programming but then music is still my hobby.

By: Joshua Aduragbemi


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